1-2-1 Account Management

At QTS, we believe in a personalized touch for superior service. Each client is paired with a dedicated account manager, a friendly face and expert in everything from wire decking to security cages and mesh partitions. Whatever your question or need, our knowledgeable team is on hand to provide you with informed, efficient assistance. Experience the difference expert care can make with QTS.

Our Locations

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Click on the regions on the interactive map to select your location and find out more about our account manager in your area.
Whatever your question or need, our knowledgeable team is on hand to provide you with informed, efficient assistance.

Our Other Countries (non-UK)

Benelux Map


Adam Carr

Adam Carr

Head of Business Development

Ireland Map


Laura Smurthwaite

Laura Smurthwaite

Regional Account Manager – North & Ireland

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